PakTech Toss

14th Star Founder Steve Gagner is coming at you from quarantine to teach you a fun game you can play with your whole family!

PakTech Toss

What You’ll Need:

  • Four PakTech toppers from a craft beer 4-pack
  • Two Bowls or Buckets
  • Two Chairs

How To Play:

  • Place bowls about 15 feet apart on chairs or stools. These are your goals!
  • Each team gets four PakTechs to toss (label or choose different color PakTechs for each team).
  • Members of the same team stand at opposite goals.
  • Each team takes turns throwing their PakTechs at the buckets in an attempt to score points.
  • If the PakTech goes in the bucket the team throwing scores 3 points.
  • If the PakTech hits the bucked but doesn’t go in the team throwing scores 1 point.
  • The first team to score 21 points wins!

Make up your own rules and have FUN!




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